Carry Select Adder Verilog Code | 16 bit Carry Select Adder Verilog Implementation

Carry Select Adder Verilog Code

Verilog Implementation of  Carry Select Adder

A carry select adder is a particular way to implement an adder, which is a logic element that computes the (n+1)-bit sum of two n-bit numbers. The carry select adder is simple but rather fast. For more information about carry select adder you can refer to this wikipedia article. Also,  you can go through  Ripple Carry Adder, Carry Skip AdderCarry Look-ahead Adder etc. posts to get insight about different adders.

Basic structure of 4-bit Carry Select Adder is shown below.


carry select adder 4 bit


The Verilog Code for 16-bit  Carry Select Adder is given below-

`timescale 1ns / 1ns

module carry_select_adder_16bit(a, b, cin, sum, cout);
input [15:0] a,b;
input cin;
output [15:0] sum;
output cout;

wire [2:0] c;

ripple_carry_4_bit rca1(

// first 4-bit by ripple_carry_adder
carry_select_adder_4bit_slice csa_slice1(

carry_select_adder_4bit_slice csa_slice2(

carry_select_adder_4bit_slice csa_slice3(

//4-bit Carry Select Adder Slice

module carry_select_adder_4bit_slice(a, b, cin, sum, cout);
input [3:0] a,b;
input cin;
output [3:0] sum;
output cout;

wire [3:0] s0,s1;
wire c0,c1;

ripple_carry_4_bit rca1(

ripple_carry_4_bit rca2(

mux2X1 #(4) ms0(

mux2X1 #(1) mc0(

//2X1 Mux

module mux2X1( in0,in1,sel,out);
parameter width=16; 
input [width-1:0] in0,in1;
input sel;
output [width-1:0] out;
assign out=(sel)?in1:in0;

//4-bit Ripple Carry Adder
module ripple_carry_4_bit(a, b, cin, sum, cout);
input [3:0] a,b;
input cin;
output [3:0] sum;
output cout;

wire c1,c2,c3;

full_adder fa0(

full_adder fa1(

full_adder fa2(

full_adder fa3(

//1bit Full Adder

module full_adder(a,b,cin,sum, cout);
input a,b,cin;
output sum, cout;

wire x,y,z;

half_adder h1(.a(a), .b(b), .sum(x), .cout(y));
half_adder h2(.a(x), .b(cin), .sum(sum), .cout(z));
or or_1(cout,z,y);

// 1 bit Half Adder

module half_adder( a,b, sum, cout );
input a,b;
output sum, cout;
xor xor_1 (sum,a,b);
and and_1 (cout,a,b);


Carry Select  Adder Simulation Result is as follows:

Carry Select Simulation
16 bit Carry Select Adder Testbench

module carry_select_adder_16bit_tb;
reg [15:0] a,b;
reg cin;
wire [15:0] sum;
wire cout;

  carry_select_adder_16bit uut(.a(a), .b(b),.cin(cin),.sum(sum),.cout(cout));

initial begin
  a=0; b=0; cin=0;
  #10 a=16'd0; b=16'd0; cin=1'd1;
  #10 a=16'd14; b=16'd1; cin=1'd1;
  #10 a=16'd5; b=16'd0; cin=1'd0;
  #10 a=16'd999; b=16'd0; cin=1'd1;

  $monitor( "A=%d, B=%d, Cin= %d, Sum=%d, Cout=%d", a,b,cin,sum,cout);


Cadence RTL compiler is used to synthesize the Verilog  code with Uofu standard library.  We got the following schematic after mapping the hdl code to the standard library. This is basically the synthesized view.

16 bit Carry Select Adder Module:


4 bit Carry Select Adder Module:


If you have any query/suggestion please feel free to comment below the post.

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6 years ago

plz write testbench

5 years ago

you did not use the half adder module in anything

4 years ago
Reply to  abc

It’s used in full adder module.

3 years ago

Sir I need carry select adder using binary to excess 1 converter verilog code .could you please send me.