Recommended Books For Learning VLSI | Analog VLSI | Digital VLSI

Recommended Books for VLSI

Must Read Books in VLSI

In this post we are going to share with you the recommended books that one  must read in order to master vlsi. 

While learning vlsi it can be broadly classified as Analog VLSI and Digital VLSI. I have listed down the must read books for each category along with some description related to the books.

Recommended Books for Analog VLSI

1. Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits

This is one of the first book you may be reading to  learn analog vlsi as most of the universities follow this book. This book covers most of the theories with good mathematical derivations.  This is a good book to read the general theory of analog ic design. So your first step in learning Analog VLSI will start with this book.

Check It  Now  on Amazon —>>

2. CMOS Analog Circuit Design

cmos analog circuit design

This book is one the best book which explains neatly  how to make a circuit with the given specifications. This book provides good example of practical circuit design and help to build intuitive understanding of the circuits. You need to have some basic background knowledge before starting reading this book.  So first read the book by razavi for theory then move to this book to gain insight into circuit design.

Check it now on Amazon —->

Recommended Books for Digital  VLSI

1. Digital Integrated Circuits: A Design Perspective

digital integrated circuits

This is one of the best book to start learning digital vlsi. This book provides  different digital circuits with solid explanation along with simulated results. This book will help you to get intuitive understanding of the various digital circuits as the author does not use mathematics rather use intuitive basic electronics to explain a topic. To learn the circuit level digital vlsi, this is one of the must read book.

2. CMOS VLSI Design : A Circuits and Systems Perspective

This book by Weste and Harris is one of most post popular book used by all academics. This is a vast book which touches most of the basic digital vlsi concepts. Previous rabaey book gives most emphasis on transistor level circuit designing whereas this book gives more emphasis on system level digital design. This book gives details explanation of several topics like setup-hold time for latch as well as ffs, adders, multipliers etc. Overall this is a complete book and you should read this book and the rabaey book to get a good grip on digital vlsi.

Practical VLSI Design Course

vlsi system design
If you are through with basic digital vlsi then you can go through the below mentioned courses on udemy. These courses teach you how to design digital systems from spec to chip practically. I recommend you to go through the Physical Design and STA course especially as these are used in almost every chip design be it a small or a billion gate processor.  These courses are definitely going to help you to crack digital  vlsi interview.

  1. Physical Design Flow
  2. Static Timing Analysis – I
  3. Static Timing Analysis – II

We hope that you like the book recommendations as well as the online practical course recommendation. Please do comment if you want to add anything.

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